September 29, 2010

the last of our trip/Custer park

On our trip to South Dakota we went to Custer state park. The plan was to see buffalo. Well the buffalo had a different idea. We saw traces but none of the really big herds we wanted to see. In the distance we could see them but that was all, until just as we were ready to leave the park
there was one lone buffalo standing by the side of the road grazing in the grass. He was just waiting for me to take his picture.

We saw a few other creatures.Prairie Dogs and some kind of deer.

We did see donkeys. They were a hoot! If you had a snack for them in the car they would stick their head right in to get that snack.
We got out to feed them.

Mr. T thought it very funny to put a treat right close to my shoulder so the donkey came up behind me and gave me a nudge and made me jump. They stood in the road for as long as they wanted. No moving them until they were ready to move.

We went to several towns on our day trips.
We had to go to Sturgis just to say we had been there.A town called Leads.Pronounced "Leeds" where there was a big open cut mine.

Dead wood. Where Mr. T lost his first $5 ever gambling.

The scenery was beautiful from the top of a very tall hill.To me it seemed a mountain but they are called the Black Hills.

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