February 27, 2016

thread holder

 I want to share an idea i had for spools of thread. When I have hand sewing the spool always seems to fall and roll away. I use my old medicine pill containers to hold the thread. Use an awl to poke a hole in the snap on lid. Run the thread up through the hole,snap on the lid and the thread is ready for you to use. no more run away spool.

Makes it easy to take along too. 

We will be making trips to Ames for Tom to have chemo so I will be doing some hand sewing while waiting.

It has been a rough couple of months. I pray for God to lay his healing hands on my dear man. j


My Colonial Home said...

What a great idea! I'm always looking for new ideas for holding thread of any kind.
Sending prayers for Tom and also for you.

mom2fur said...

What a cool idea! In fact, I'm pinning this on my board "Cool Ideas"!