We had our 2 granddaughters come to stay for the week of spring break.It was a very busy week. The oldest GD brought her friend Amy. Amy wanted to make a doll.We used a Dream spinner pattern I had from years ago.She did a good job on the doll.I was however a little disappointed with the face she chose to put on her doll.It was meant to be cute ,with the mouth off to the side,---------but Amy decided she did not want a nose on her doll.I have been making dolls for a very long time. No doll has ever gone out and had a black mouth and no nose.We did not have to buy anything for the doll.She shopped for the clothes in my basement fabric stash.She made a comment "gosh I did not know there was so much to making a doll".
I had not made a rag doll in a while.It was fun to do again.
The girls also made dottee dolls and we did some charm hearts.I forgot to get pictures of them but will post when i get them.
The youngest grand. did some eggs.We tore stripes of fabric then dipped them in stiffy, placed them on a plastic egg.Let it dry then painted over the fabric covered egg with paverpal,glitter and seed beads. then we used brunishing gold.I will get a picture and post it.They turned out really good.I'm thinking I need to do a bunch of more prim type fabric covered eggs. stay tuned the idea needs a bit more thinking.
This week my DH had to have oral surgery.He did very well but can not eat and that is a major problem for him.He enjoys food so much,that not being able to have what he wants is really not a good thing.Of course he can eat anything and stays thin.
So with the 3 girls here and DH here it was a bit stressful this week. It will take a week just to put the house back to rights and get back to my routine.