After our experience with the squirrels I had hoped no more wild things would bother to visit.Well last week we had several. Some I like others not so much.
We feed an outside cat. She and her brother were found under the bushes.Mom had died. We took care to have them spade and neutered but they were not invited to live inside. The male wandered away years ago but Sissy stayed and became Mr. T.'s side kick while he works around the house.
This history, of the cat, is part of the story. Because he feeds this kitty we have had other cats. Many have been trapped and taken to farms. What we thought was a big hairy cat turns out to be a raccoon. Brazen thing did not even run away but sat on the patio and stared at us. It was a very clever coon..Took 3 nights to trap it.
It went for a very long ride out into the country side. I sure hope it does not find it's way back to town.
Also this week we had a snake in the fish pond. When I saw it it had a fish in its mouth. It has gone to snake heaven.No picture of it.
I got a new bird feeder for mother's day and we have put it up ,along with a finch feeder we bought. This morning we had an oriole visit but no food for him.I need an oriole feeder. We have had blue jays, finches,sparrows, and starlings so far.It is nice to sit on the screen porch and watch them all.
The Hallie Anna vine outside the screen attracts the humming birds and the humming bird moths.
We camped with Cameron at Malory Park Friday and Sat. He was in heaven. He caught 10 small bass Sunday morning. I'm not sure how many he caught the other days.
He and Papa(Mr. T.) took a long hike. Malory is where we did a lot of camping when our kids were young.
Good times.Good memories. Hope your days are good.j