A few weeks ago I found a baked doughnut recipe and wanted to make some baked doughnuts. We looked in every store we thought would have doughnut pans.*No* luck.
Mr.T finally ordered the mini and the regular size doughnut pans.
The light doughnuts are maple frosted.I used the recipe that came with the pan but it was too dry. They were eatable but dry. Made good dunkers.
The Chocolate batch I used the recipe that came with the pan but added more vegetable oil and they came out much better. The frosting on the first batch was maple powered sugar.I'm not much for powered sugar frosting so will be making a cooked frosting like the chocolate frosting I used on the 2nd batch. I am going to try different recipes,for baked doughnuts, to see what I can come up with.
I had chocolate frosting left over so I made some chocolate covered popcorn. Our friend Dave always made choc. covered popcorn. He made actual fudge for his. I had never heard of choc. covered popcorn until he invited us to try it.
The cooked frosting worked out------ almost------ as good.
Our weekend was our maiden voyage in our new to us RV. It was a really great weekend. The weather was perfect. We took a boat ride on the lake.
I can't say it was a favorite thing for me. All the bouncing was hard on my back.
We camped by Friends. They introduced us to the game sequence. We had not played it before and was fun.
I can not believe I forgot to take any pictures of our first trip out.
I did take pictures with my phone but don't have the plug to take the pictures off. The sunset on the lake was beautiful.
We are in a tornado watch tonight.
Have a great week everyone.j
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